RE: UK online buying...

From: angedella isafella (
Date: Thu Aug 17 2000 - 05:05:21 MET DST

  • Next message: angedella isafella: "PHILA -amel larriex aug 23" -he doesnt post as much as dirk :-)but he used to .the
    site is pretty good.

    >From: "Dirk van den Heuvel" <>
    >To: "Mark Allerton" <>, <>
    >Subject: RE: UK online buying...
    >Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 18:17:56 -0500
    >Thanks for the (indirectly) kind words. We get calls now everyday from
    >outside America from people looking for those kinds of records, who can't
    >seem to find them. It's a real shame. We got a call all the way from Hong
    >Kong today. There's some good distributors in the UK, but I just don't know
    >any good retailers. My suggestion would be to call Spencer or Mike at Goya
    >in the UK. They distribute People Records and that new Co-Operation CD so
    >they MUST know some store near you that carries those tunes. Their number
    >0-181-968-9666 .
    >Good luck.
    >Dirk van den Heuvel (
    >Groove Distribution
    >Your Guide To The Underground
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Mark Allerton []
    > Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 4:57 PM
    > To:
    > Subject: UK online buying...
    > OK, it's come to this - I'm going to have to ask...
    > Am I really going to end up buying the latest West London business from
    > Put it another way. Is there any music retailer in the UK that carries
    >sort of stuff we talk about here and has a website worth a damn? I mean,
    >Juno is great, and I buy a lot of stuff from them, but I've never seen them
    >carry stuff like the "People... Make The World Go Around" comp, or for that
    >matter the new Co-Operation CD. Release The Groove is a terrific shop but
    >about 80 miles away, and seems to have their website updated by someone who
    >comes in once every three weeks. Earcandy likewise.
    > So, is there anyone in this country who can match Groove Distribution's
    >efforts in the US?
    > ..Mark..

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