Re: santana

From: Leslie Shill (
Date: Mon Aug 21 2000 - 09:52:05 MET DST

  • Next message: Leslie Shill: "Re: Where is Grantby?"


    i am a big Santana fan and continue to love the man and his music. Through
    all his incarnations, Santana has been a big inspiration to me and I use his
    music often in my sets when I am doing a series that is percussion-oriented.
    Santana has always understood that a good bassline underpins it all, that it
    is the sea on which modern music floats

    all Kudos to his genius!

    leslie/The Power of Sound/KAZU 90.3 FM, Pacific Grove, CA 93950

    >From: gogo <>
    >Subject: santana
    >Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2000 13:17:18 -0700 (PDT)
    >Hi listees!
    >I was just listening to an old Santana album (Lotus) and it
    >blew my mind as many, many times before. Specialy one track
    >"Every Step Of The Way". In my opinion this is a killer
    >song. I'm just curious: has any of you heard it and what's
    >your opinion on it (the song and the album).
    >Do You Yahoo!?
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