Re: Senor Coconut

From: k (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 17:00:57 MET DST

  • Next message: xx: "Re: Senor Coconut"

    I recently picked this up on the recommendation of a couple of Latin
    percussionists--outfuckingstanding! I played it for a friend of mine who's a
    total Kraftwerk fiend, and he fell over laughing. Senor Coconut stays rather
    true to the melodies of the original tracks, but adds this Exotica vibe to it
    that makes it beyond unique.

    Interesting to hear it's actually a German who's doing it. Are there any
    interviews or articles on the web anyone knows about?

    Wacky Germans...

    Karl M. Schirrmacher

    Elson Trinidad wrote:

    > At 09:59 PM 8/22/00 -0700, Mark Turner wrote:
    > His work is stylistically never
    > >know what to expect next...and while some of it is sublime, some of it can
    > >be really irritating. He's a digital freakazoid...practically every track
    > >he creates has been edited down to the nanosecond. But a lot of it turns
    > >out sounding surprisingly warm.
    > There's another Senor Coconut thread on another list I'm on, one of the
    > participants there read an interview with
    > Schmidt who plans his next project to be a drum n bass album of - get this
    > - Michael Jackson covers...
    > Elson
    > "Who's Bad?"
    > - 30 -
    > : . elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
    > : . :
    > : . groove to the futurethnic beats of e:trinity at and

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