Re: Hello (again) everyone!

From: Elson Trinidad (
Date: Wed Aug 30 2000 - 08:52:18 MET DST

  • Next message: "Zero7 song played by Gilles"

    At 04:42 AM 8/30/00 +0000, Jon Jung wrote:
    >Acid Jazz list.....
    >I was on this list from 1995-ish to 1998, left to work in Japan and now
    >back. I am amazed that this list is still going strong and maaaan Erik is
    >still the If anyone remembers Greg, one of the original
    >list moderators, I'm in touch with him on and off.

    Jon! Welcome back!!!! How was Japan, scenewise?
    How's Greg B? [for those of you that don''t know, Gregory Beuthin is a
    former University of Hawaii student who started the Acid Jazz list back in
    Whereabouts is he? What's he into now?

    You gotten into 2-Step Garage yet, Jon? :)

    AJ list member since fall '93

    - 30 -
    : . elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
    : . :
    : . groove to the futurethnic beats of e:trinity at and

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