quoting Steve Catanzaro:
> I agree with Elson that Linux is not the way to go for proaudio. My PC
Linux is not as developed as MS or Mac in the audio field just
yet but that is changing fast, and right now. There are a heap of
usable programs for common tasks (sequencing, tracking, editing,
recording) and people are using them to produce music. There is
also increasing support for higher end audio cards (most recently
the Hammerfall).
There are also good technical reasons why Linux shouldn't be
written off - with the newish low-latency patches LInux has
latencies which rival or are better than BeOS.
Having said all that, it can still be not all that easy to get all
your apps up and running - but that's a challenge some people
enjoy and things are improving on that front as well.
...And don't forget the price/performance issue!
-- diversity is cool http://mstation.cjb.net pgp public key @ http://www.crosswinds.net/~linuxmusic/pubring.html
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