The Grammy that Swallowed the World!

From: Steve Catanzaro (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 04:01:54 MET

  • Next message: Steve Catanzaro: "Re: The Grammy that Swallowed the World!"

    OK, I'm tuned in just to see what type of dap homegirl macy gray gets, (if
    any) and I have to say this show demonstrates just about all what's wrong
    with the world as a whole, and the music business in particular.

    1. Why, on an recording industry run "music" award show, does 3/4 of the
    effort go into staging? (Don't answer.)

    2. Why did em-in-freaking-em win the rapper of the year awards? (PS, Mos Def
    is RIGHT...)

    3. How can someone who sings as good as Whitney Houston sound so bad? It's a
    punishment to hear!

    4. Diana Krall, Backstreet Boys, .... all these "Best Artist" self
    congratulators. Wouldn't it be nice if someone gave an award speech that
    went something like "If y'all didn't have your heads so far up your asses I
    wouldn't have won nothing, and I hearby dedicate this award to....")

    Now that'd be something.

    (Although I do note a substantial percentage of the Buena Vista Social Club
    appeared, sandwhiched in between Marc Antony and Ricky Martin...)

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