Grammy Fun

From: Elson Trinidad (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 19:28:26 MET

  • Next message: Scott A Hunt: "Buffalo NY: better than kung fu!!"

    I didn't really pay attention to the Grammys last night, I was too busy trying
    to set up my new MIDI interface in my studio. Anyhoo, IMHO the highlight of the
    night was Diana Krall, George Benson and Erykah Badu in a jazz jam doing "I
    Can't Give You Anything But Love." That looked like fun, I would have settled
    for those three doing a little jazz gig all night. I swear, Badu should do an
    acoustic jazz album, she looked like she was having fun.

    One last Grammy note - Here's a trivia question for you trainspotters:

    Name the connection between Santana and a certain popular acid-jazz band.



    - 30 -

    :. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa :. :.

    "funny how frustration breeds desire" - meja

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