Re: Jazzanova

Elson Trinidad (
Wed, 05 Jan 2000 12:21:28 -0800

Jim Kerr wrote:

> Have they got an album out? What is their best stuff - original music or
> remixes?

Their remixes. Which is not to say their originals aren't sub-par at all, but
thy're one of the few remix teams who consistently put out remixes *that are
actually better than the original*...most expecially "Circe" and their
Incognito, 4Hero and UFO remixes.

I've been able to easily pick out the "Jazzanova sound" after hearing it. The
bass is always warm and punchy, the Rhodes is always smooth, and most of all,
the drums are compressed and EQ'ed well enough...pure drum joy. If they ever
came out with a drum loop CD, I'd buy 10 of em (and I'm personally against using
drum loop CDs!). Their arrangements are beautiful too, there's a lot going on
without sounding overproduced...Definitely THE artists to watch in the new decade.



- 30 -

:. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa :. :.

"funny how frustration breeds desire" - meja

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