stephanie (
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 08:55:42 -0800 (PST)
hey it's not my fault this name exists. I'm just
mimicking what i've been hearing. I'm not one for
pigeon-holing, but there is something cohesive
happening despite the staggering diversity. and in
fact "house not house" and "Jazz not jazz" are pretty listen to some of this stuff (whatever
"this stuff is") and you're like, wait, it's like
techno speed, no wait, house speed, i guess it's
house, but it's not, cuz it's more like jazz, but it's
not, and it's kind of electro-y, but it's all african
and drummy....
and the same producers may do one thign one day and
soemthign totally different the next. It's like a
huge chaotic bouquet of flowers. I recognize the
pieces by how beautiful and fragrant, but genus and
species are impossible to pin down...too many of them.
it's a beautiful thing!! But i think i missed
something...i think this has been building for a
while, and I want to know if anyone really knows how
it came to be. it's a whole new set of things! very
exciting! think of main squeeze, people, 2000 black,
phujon, archive, etc. i see some of the lineage
definitely, but what is happening right this minute is
markedly different from how things were before.
--- FLO <> wrote:
> wrote:
> "Jazz not Jazz"?
> This indefinite discussion about the denomination of
> genre always makes
> me smiling and reminds me of when I went to a
> Tower-Rec.-Shop in
> Colombia two years ago. Everything else than Salsa,
> Merengue, Cumbia
> etc., Rock and Classic was simply called Trance -
> and thats it.
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