Re: + 80 min CDr Media +

From: Michal the Milkman (
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 16:15:40 MET DST

  • Next message: angedella isafella: "RE: URB cd and Van Helden"

    Elson Trinidad says...

    >At 11:03 PM 7/4/00 -0400, Pedro Cevallos wrote:
    >>Does anybody know any cheap places on the net to mailorder80 minnute CDrs
    >>w/o the jewel cases?
    >Do you live in a city that has Computer Shows/Computer Expos? You can get
    >them for mucho cheap at those things... a spindle of 100 CD-Rs go for
    >$60-$70. That's usually where I get mine...

    Hate to admit it but PriceClub/Costco has 'em cheap... wait mines are the
    74 min.

    Michal the Milkman

      Independent Distributor of excellent
      Clover-Stornetta Dairy Products
      up and down the San Francisco peninsula
      since 1987

    PO Box 293
    Palo Alto, CA 94302

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