Re: gear question

From: Elson Trinidad (
Date: Thu Jul 06 2000 - 08:58:28 MET DST

  • Next message: Mehmet Koryurek: "mixer info"

    At 12:13 AM 7/6/00 -0400, k.delayed wrote:
    >anyone have opinions on the roland mc 307 or yamaha RM1X that they might
    >care to share?

    Roland MC-307: Blah. An MC-303 with a turntable "pitch slider." Oh whoopee.

    Yamaha RM1x: I personally don't like it, but word on the net is that it's a
    pretty dope box, a real performance-oriented sequencer and great sounds.
    It's worth a look.


    - 30 -
    : . elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
    : . :
    : . groove to the futurethnic beats of e:trinity at and

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