Essential Ninja Festival Streaming

From: Wendy K (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 10:31:18 MET DST

  • Next message: DeLuca: "New Royal Groove"

    Essential Festival is happening this weekend in the UK -
    Day 1 is Dance Day and includes Herbaliser and Coldcut
    amongst loads of others
    Day 2 is Roots Day includes Kid Koala, Vadim, New Flesh
    We put a link on the site
    direct to the netcast - but cant guarantee what's gonna
    happen there today - they are streaming in quicktime, so
    not sure if this even works for PC's, (i no techno) -
    When you click the HERE into the streaming site, they've
    included a worldtimezone clock and they tell us the sets
    BTW - They are streaming more than Ninja acts - 6 hours
    per day they say--
    I'm interested in any feedback on or off list about
    audiovisual streams - I seem to be spending more time
    in front of my computer than the box these days & see
    the future where we'll be able to get everything we
    want on-line - hopefully without 5 minute commercial
    interruptions, 2...

    W.E.N.D.Y.: Worker Engineered for Nocturnal Destruction and Yardwork
    remember september 18 -
    xen cuts is coming - surprise!D

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Sat Jul 15 2000 - 10:37:55 MET DST