Re: mos def

From: Aaron Shinn (
Date: Fri Jul 21 2000 - 04:05:20 MET DST

  • Next message: Pedro Cevallos: "OT: Speakers"

    Got it!
    It's on his LP, Black on Both Sides, which has another lovely jam on
    it called Climb, which is on the spacy vibe. I believe that a single
    of Umi Says was just released recently (1-2 months) on Rawkus and
    should be available now at your local hip hop outlet.
    You can listen to the track at:

    The rhodes is played by the keyboardist from Black Eyed Peas. Dope
    dope track :)
    .aaron shinn

    At 6:55 PM -0400 7/20/00, Aregood, Michael wrote:
    >hey folks. Does a track by Mos Def called UMI SAYS ring a bell with anyone?
    >what record is it on? It's _not_ hip hop.. more of a fast house/ slow jungle
    >tempo. It's this laid back track with lovely chimes and watery organ sounds
    >and he sings on it. Real dreamy and there is all sorts of reverb on his
    >voice. Really nice. any leads?

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