a small list of riaa related materials. nice reading if your interested.

From: chad downbeat (thedownbeat@thedownbeat.org)
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 02:39:44 MET DST

  • Next message: mark givens: "Re: sweetest thing edited"


    i know there are so many people/sites getting on the anti riaa bandwagon
    these days. it may make you upset or may make you overjoyed. im not
    proposing which it should do. it is, however, nice reading and gives a
    better idea of why the anti movement is the center of attention. i would
    say it is best to know all the facts, otherwise you are just being lead
    along by someone else who is more knowledgeable.

    it would be nice to hear some ideas of how people feel on this topic. i am
    planning to attend a confereence in hollywood during september, on just this
    topic. you can find out more information about it at

    tdb coordinator
    the source for downtempo music information

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