RE: Gilles Peterson archiev...

From: Spiridonov, Jury (
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 12:34:14 MET DST

  • Next message: Wm. ERROL PACE: "Re: sweetest thing edited"

    There are too few shows there, at the link you gave, and they doesn't work
    for any reason. BTW may be somewhere in the internet I can find files, not
    streams, with GP show - my connection is not so good to hear them online all
    the time...

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Juuso Koponen []
    Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2000 12:52 PM
    Subject: Re: Gilles Peterson archiev...

    > Does anybody know where I can find archieve of GP shows which was on
    > as long ago as 2-3 weeks. This
    > have changed its desigh completely and I can't find all previous stuff on
    > it. May be somebody is up on this?

            The new address for the archive seems to be:

            (or you can find it by going to and ->
    Channel Archive -> All shows -> scroll down to Streetsound (weirdly,
    Worldwide is not selectable if you just choose Streetsound from the
    Channel Archive) -> Worldwide)

            Sadly, they seem to've deleted most of the archive, and personally I
    don't like the new design very much anyway. And BTW, I am not getting
    the sreams to run at all, but that might be a temporary problem anywhere
    in the chain..

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Thu Jul 27 2000 - 12:38:16 MET DST