Re: Vinyl or CD, That's The Question!!

From: Elson Trinidad (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 05:03:37 MET

  • Next message: Elson Trinidad: "Re: off topic: software synth sounds"

    I'm not gonna start another debate, and it's well-known that I lean more
    towards CDs, but I AM bothered by the fact that the general public as well
    as the music industry calls a released collection of songs by a particular
    artist a "CD" ("The hot new hit from D'Angelo's latest CD...") and not an
    "album," which is the correct term.

    "CD" is just a format, of which also includes cassette, LP / record
    ("vinyl" is really just a street term) or MiniDisc - all of which are
    available prerecorded music media. A released collection of songs by a
    particular artist on a prerecorded cassette is still an "album" -- it's
    just on a cassette tape format.

    I find this weird, when a videocassette gets released, they don't call it
    "VHS." --
    Even back when VHS was the only available format (after Beta died and
    before DVD came out)
    Also, when an author comes out with a new published work, they never just
    call it a "paperback" or a "hardcover," - it's a *book.*

    When the day comes that CDs get replaced by "music chips," are they gonna
    call the latest release from an artist a "music chip?" Please. It was, is
    and always should be an "album."


    - 30 -
    :. elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa

    "funny how frustration breeds desire" - meja

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