----- Original Message -----
From: B. Graff <b.graff@mailcity.com>
To: <acid-jazz@ucsd.edu>
Sent: 15/05/2000 08:52
Subject: request: online import record shop help
> Peeps,
> I need some help here. I am in need of tips on online shops for imported
cds. I used to buy from a shop in Houston, but they've apparently gone out
of business as their site hasn't been updated since last year. Basically,
I'm trying to find somewhere I can get British cds for between $20 - $25.
If y'all can name some I'd appreciate it.
www.gemm.com is a meta site (collects together lots of retailers)
Sites using http://www.globalfulfillment.com - my recommendation is
www.sanity.com.au - the only place that I could get Tosca's Chocolate Elvis
Dubs at a reasonable price.
In the UK
they are part of GEMM. They are a great site to check for promos, i.e. I
got the new Talkin Loud comp on promo for 5 pounds.
In the US
a darn good selection of older stuff but they don't have a huge range of
newer, more tangential stuff.
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