>> I think Moby's alright. But personally I think you're giving him more
>> credit than he deserves...Don't you think all those blues singers he
>> sampled should get the credit for the "catchy lyrics"? :)
>An interviewer on Australian TV asked Moby about the issue of not crediting
>the "singers" on his latest album. Moby came up with the lamest excuses, he
>said something to the effect of "if I sample a drum I don't credit the
>person who built the drum so why credit the singers". Basically his
>attitude was those performances were just fodder for his tracks. I lost any
>respect I had for him after that, I haven't heard the album but I've heard
>"Why Does My Heart ...." umpteen times and it is the vocal that carries that
>tune, not Moby's 2nd rate electronica. I did notice on Juno that someone
>has put out an album featuring the tracks Moby sampled so maybe the original
>artists will end up getting some recognition.
Interesting that he ducked it then. The story about the vocals was
that Moby was at a friends house listening to them (They're the Lomax
Recordings, mad by a father and sun earlier this Century--they just
went out into the fields and hit record. I had been listening to
'Run On' for a while (has a rather wacky video, track down the
"Circuit (3)" DVD to view,) when my Dad had the originals in the CD
changer in his car--gave my brother and I a double take.) and though
they needed a beat, but, mostly like the 'soul' of them. And, if you
read the linernotes of the album he does credit them, so not sure
where the reporter got his info.
erik g
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