RE: CDDB Magic...

From: stephanie (
Date: Wed Sep 27 2000 - 01:19:11 MET DST

  • Next message: Aaron Shinn: "Re: white label info help"

    woah.... that's COOL!!! any info you get, send along
    to the rest of us geeks!! the only thing i can think
    is cdvalet does a little frequency scan and passes it
    to CDDB, which uses it as a fingerprint, maybe with
    some sort of fuzzying algorithm to make it a little
    error!! I wanna know how it works...

    --- "Manire, Aaron Dario" <> wrote:
    > from vinyl?! can you elaborate on how you copied
    > the track? did you
    > provide any information to the burner? or are you
    > suggesting some kind of
    > analog/digital encryption here?
    > or maybe it's just that ol' shaolin vodoun,
    > adario
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Adam Cohen
    > To: AcidJazz
    > Sent: 9/23/00 3:47 PM
    > Subject: CDDB Magic...
    > The strangest thing happened to me today. I made a
    > homemade CD from my
    > vinyl copy of Shaolin Soul (the compilation with all
    > the Wu-Tang
    > featured
    > samples) and inserted it into my computer so I could
    > add it to my CD
    > database, and magically, CDValet (my CD catalog
    > program) connected to
    > CDDB
    > and received the information for the disc.. I was
    > quite surprised, as I
    > didn't expect it to be able to retrieve the
    > information for a home made
    > disc.. I mean, when you insert a store bought CD,
    > they each have a
    > unique
    > ID tag or something, so I'd imagine that's how it
    > cross references each
    > search.. But for a homemade CD, I guess it searches
    > by track lengths or
    > something? (which is strange, because I made the
    > track lengths by
    > myself, so
    > they must differ a bit from the original CD).. I
    > can't explain it, so it
    > must be magic..
    > Adam

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