Substance (was Re: Allenko Brotherhood!?)

From: Mark Allerton (
Date: Fri Sep 29 2000 - 21:56:42 MET DST

  • Next message: Aregood, Michael: "PHILA: Vivid announcements"

    on 30/9/00 3:33 am, stephanie at wrote:

    >> Another amazing track i didn't hear mentioned here
    >> is by Plutonia on the
    >> Visions label. Dego and alex attias teaming up for a
    >> percussive future soul
    >> classic the likes of which you've never heard! so
    >> excited about it i forgot
    >> the name =)...
    Yeah, Substance is just wicked. The first time I listened to it I really was
    in two minds about the track - I thought maybe IG had finally lost it - but
    it's grown on me with every listen. Likewise the George Duke cover on the
    flip - I love Kaidi Tatham's keys over the staccato beats at the end of the

    As for Plutonia's "Forever" - it has been mentioned here before (it was on
    Mark Turner's playlist) - my only complaint about this track is that it's
    maybe a couple of minutes too long.

    > You mean "Forever?" yeah, that song makes me all
    > gooshy inside. Also of that very high caliber is
    > "Substance", the new Liqwid Biskit. Real weird twisty
    > herbie hancock shiki with disco violins that add an
    > odd sophistication. Crazy drums, spooky-warm vocals
    > about astral projections and stuff. Makes me all
    > jittery, like downing 3 espressos.
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