RE: Calm/spiritual african nova

From: Aregood, Michael (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 16:04:40 CEST

  • Next message: Kerr, Jim: "English telly - Faking It; Miles Davis"

    Greetings. I doubt it has much to do with the Calm LP in particular, it
    sounds like you just got a bad copy. What you are describing is what happens
    when the grooves aren't completely centered... like they missed when they
    pressed it! It makes the needle go from side to side right? I've had this
    problem and i had a reasonable amount of success by carving the hole bigger
    in the direction of the true center of the record. But now the record moves
    around a bit and is difficult to cue in a live setting... so i end up not
    playing it (damn... Likwid Biskit / Life is like a Samba) Anyway you are
    definitely taking a risk doing that, bring it to the store and demand an
    exchange or something.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: 21st century soul []
    Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 7:19 PM
    To: acid jazz
    Subject: Calm/spiritual african nova

    loving this album, but has anyone else noticed any pressing problems with
    the vinyl? my side A is a bit mis-pressed and the pitch slightly wavers,
    just enough for me to tell...pretty irritating...


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