sorry for all the false alarms & such.
i'm playing monday nights @ the brig (1515 abbot kinney bl @ palms, venice--about a block north of venice bl.) from 10pm-2am by request of THE OWNER (thanks chris for hooking me up in the first place!) there's no cover, but as it takes place in a bar, you will need to be at least 21 years old and have valid i.d. to prove it... there's no dancefloor that i know of (i haven't seen it since they remodeled it--the grand opening is this thursday so i'll let you know after that) so this will be more on the listening tip, but i've got a dance gig in the works (more on that soon).
the first night will be this coming monday (29 april), so everyone that can come down for the inaugural night will really help me out--it's free so drink up (or bring a friend who drinks enough for 2). sorry for the short notice, but i just got called tuesday night about the gig... if you have any questions, call (310.236.0141) or email me.
check this link for a map:
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