I'm digging that new Prince joint too. Me'shell's anthropological mixtape is
another one to check for. It's dropping in March. You can hear one of the
tracks on MP3.com now
Or the Maverick Website
[Lynne d Johnson]
"Negro music is always radical in the context of formal American culture."
--LeRoi Jones, Blues People
From: "B. Graff" <b.graff@lycos.com>
Organization: Lycos Mail (http://mail.lycos.com:80)
Reply-To: b.graff@lycos.com
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 07:48:27 -0800
To: acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
Subject: Re: Phat music ahead!: Prince
>1) Prince has evolved to a whole new level with his >new album "Rainbow
Children" Very jazzy with an >earthy, silky, and "neo-soulish" feel.
I agree that Prince is incorporating a much stronger jazzy vibe on this
album. I think this is my favorite Prince album since the 80s. I do not
think it is a classic (although a lot of people do), but it's very
refreshing to hear him bouncing back from his 90s rut to come up with a
fresh approach to his music.
I was very curious as to whether his newfound religion would play a
prominent role in his music. While the influence of the Jehovah's Witness
is definitely there (i.e., lyrics mentioning "a theocratic order" and
"banished ones") it was not as strong as I had been led to believe. After
all, Prince has always preached to his audience.
If he keeps up this level of consistency, he'll definitely cement his place
as one of the top 10 (5?) pop geniuses of all time.
--- B.Graff www.allthingsdeep.com
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