i've come to appreciate other music's categories:
la decadanse
groove (largest concentration of acidjazz in here)
their so arbitrary that it's actually *fun* to figure out where to look
----- Original Message -----
From: Shawn Kuo
To: acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: AW: A name for our music!
I think you're missing the point -- I'm not talking about a sub-genre that would cause music to be miscategorized time after time. I'd like to see the complete opposite, so that you could actually go to a record store and find your type of music where you would expect to find it -- not under "rock" or "pop", but not under "techno" either.
hahaha....in my local record store, they have Sasha, John digweed and Thievery Corporation listed under the same category: Rap/Dance...ROFLMAO..shivering...
I'¨m not looking for another segment of a segment, but rather one that would encompass all of the types of music that gets discussed on this forum.
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