Hey there,
March is gonna be a busy month for us...tons of gigs in the SF area. Check
out our calendar at www.postjunktrio.com. We've been getting lots of airplay
and I'd like to thank all the DJ's who are supporting us*...(you all know
who you are). If you haven't bought a copy of the disc yet (you know who YOU
are)...well, what the @#$% are you waitin' for? If you're in the the
neighborhood c'mon out to a gig and if not, put the record on and close your
eyes. I hope this email finds you and yours well.
Take care,
Frank & post junk trio
415.927.1232 (h)
801.912.5222 (f)
*a couple of great lists of internet radio stations (who may be playing us):
http://www.cmd.uu.se/AcidJazz/Radio/ &
If you're receiving this email you're in my address book...if you don not
want to receive any more emails from me just reply with the word "no" in the
subject and I'll remove you. I apologize.
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