RE: [weird Question] meditation music?

From: Law, Alistair (DEM, North Ryde) (
Date: Thu Mar 15 2001 - 05:39:39 CET

  • Next message: Gen Kanai: "Re: [weird Question] meditation music?"

    ->Ok, so I asked my moms what she wanted for her
    ->birthday, and the silly hippy wants music. well kind
    ->of, she wants spoken word, like 'close your eyes and
    ->picture a dolphin' type stuff. I know, really lame,
    ->but it is what she wants. So maybe somebody has a
    ->suggestion. Preferably something with a little style.
    ->Myself, I like spiritualized to close my eyes to, but
    ->I don't think thats what she wants. Lets see if this
    ->puppy floats.


    How about 4 Hero's' "Loveless" with Ursula Rucker. It's a bit of a long shot
    but generally "something with a little style" and new age music are not two
    terms you'd find in the same sentence ;-).


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