Re: No Doctor L??

From: Jason Witherspoon (
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 21:23:48 CEST

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    At 08:01 AM 4/30/01 -0700, B. Allison wrote:
    > I really like this Tony Allen album. Great
    >combination of afrobeat, funk and spaced-out
    >electronics. This new project sounds even better.
    > Was able to get a few Doctor L MP3s from someone a
    >guy in Holland and have been searching for his albums
    >ever since. Are they distributed or available any
    >place? Hard to get?

    At the risk of sounding like a freaking Amazon shill, the only place I've
    seen _Exploring da Inside World_ (his first, supposedly best?) listed
    (outside of the crapshoot GEMM listings) is

    He releases all these "eps" that are basically full-length albums (clocking
    in at around 40m)-- _The Give Away Box_ is my favorite such article thus
    far. Then there's the _Mountains Will Never Surrender_ ep, & one called
    _Navigator_ which I haven't heard. The new full-length is called _A Temple
    on Every Street_. I go back & forth on it-- in a way, his strengths are
    his weaknesses; he samples himself playing all the instruments, which gives
    everything a pretty interesting vibe (almost like the Eno/Talking Heads/D.
    Byrne collaborations). The vocals are not all that strong, but given the
    high-tolerance people have for wack vocals hereabouts it's probably not a
    big issue, & the instrumental quotient is pretty high. Kind of a sampled
    no-wave/electronica base w/a lot of psychedelic freakery poking through the
    mix here & there. Not describing stuff too well this morning, maybe
    someone can pick up this ball & run w/it....

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