RE: That pheromones (jazzomones?) e-mail offer

From: Kennedy, Liam (
Date: Tue May 01 2001 - 16:27:52 CEST

  • Next message: adario: ""Planeteria" Re: Recommendations: MIX CDs"

    <Sexually Attract Women Instantly with nature's secret weapon...
    Pheromones!! Invisible and undetectable, when unknowingly
    inhaled by any woman, AndrostenonePheromone Concentrate for men unblocks all
    restraints and releases her raw animal sex drive!

    > This amazing product is sold in stores for $99.95 a bottle.
    > Our price is less...MUCH LESS! This is the strongest concentration of
    > HUMAN pheromones, allowed by law, in an essential oil base. It smells
    > great!>

            What kind of sado's do they think are on the AJ list?

            Put me down for two bottles


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