Re: Lyon and more

From: Patrik Hamberg (
Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 15:57:48 CEST

  • Next message: B. Allison: "Nu Spirit/Gotan Project"

    >Also, listened to the Alex (Jazzanova) set on Worldwide a couple weeks ago.
    >He played this DK5 track (By some sweedish producers I gather. Dhalback and
    >Jesper something).

    You're looking for the Swedish SVEK collective.
    Jesper Dahlbäck is one of their members.
    Here's a recent interview:

    The official SVEK web site won't give you much info, but anyway... here it is:

    You can find a lot of the SVEK stuff at <>
    readily available as mp3:s or customisable CD:s.



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