Re: Will this break 2 step in the US?

From: Leslie N. Shill (
Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 18:01:48 CEST

  • Next message: JAVIER MARTINEZ: "RE: Will this break 2 step in the US?"


    thank you SO much for this incredible information, let's see now, BT AND N'sync AND 2 step, sounds like something I would avoid but perhaps you are right, 2-step at the commercial peak and after that out the door along with the other novelties. But BT? tsk tsk tsk, they must be paying him very large large for this job!

    leslie/The Power of Sound
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Steve Catanzaro
      To: acid jazz
      Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 7:35 AM
      Subject: Will this break 2 step in the US?

      Read it and weep, 2-steppers. Word is that producer BT has finished a 2-step track for ground-breaking American artists N'Sync. The track will be out in advance of the summer release of their new album.

      As lauded music critic H. Simpson might say, "mmmm, Nsync, 2step..."

      Has the 2-step craze officially reached its zenith?

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