Re: Will this break 2 step in the US?

From: John BEPPU (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 09:24:39 CEST

  • Next message: Elson Trinidad: "RE: Will this break 2 step in the US?"

    For what it's worth, I have a similar position
    with respect to DnB and 2-step. When I first
    heard good DnB, I was blown away, but they don't
    make DnB like they used to. :( I'm a little
    heart-broken, because it has so much potential
    I'm sure I could get to like
    2-step as a genre more if the stuff being made
    were more soulful. It's pretty much the same
    position as yours. I haven't been moved by
    2-step as much as the hype made me think I would.

    But whatever... If 2-step makes some people happy,
    that's wonderful. I stopped criticizing people's
    taste in music, because... people can have such
    wildly different tastes. For example, I'm not a
    fan of country/western, but I've seen people
    sincerely get into it, and this is really the
    style that makes them move their bodies. I can't
    criticize it like I might have in the past, anymore.
    As puzzled as I am by this phenomenon, I can't
    really say anything bad if music is making people happy.

    my 2 cents.

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