RE: Will this break 2 step in the US?

From: Kennedy, Liam (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 15:46:08 CEST


            <This doesn't surpeise me at all, I think there is a bunch of bad
    2-step out there. Now taking it to a mainstream level,,ouch!!!
    > I went record hunting last week, and tried to do some 2 step- diggin,,out
    > of probably 30 pieces I listened to I ended up buying 5, maybe it's not my
    > sound but thanx to who ever recomended those Zest! records, Im really
    > enjoying them.
    > My 2 pesos>
            My two pence

            The only 2-step albums I've checked out are MJ Cole: Sincere and
    Wookie. I didn't think much of the MJ Cole, the sound is too thin for my
    tastes, but I quite liked Wookie's debut. As for mainstream dough-step,
    well, you know the score.


            P.S. Anyone check out Spearhead: Stay Human yet? Its hardly left my
    player. Groovy, soul-conscience Hip-hop, not for those of a death penalty
    disposition. Even with a sting in the tale, its sounds for the summer.


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