RE: Will this break 2 step in the US?

From: Wm. ERROL PACE (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 19:26:16 CEST

  • Next message: Joni .: "gosta? and other queries...."

    Leslie wrote:
    me some good downtempo stuff any time of the day if I am just listening

    Tempo of the Down,

    So pass on this list of Good Downtempo, I am always on the prowl for that
    vibe. In reference to 2 step and Britney Spears, I for one would welcome
    her dwelving into the realm of Downtempo Acid Jazz. I would find her grunts
    and moaning inflections to be quite appetizing, "Ow!!!". Sounds like I need
    to go shopping to find out what this 2 steak stuff is all about. Until then
    you can find me listening to Cinematic Orchestra's Motion CD, Does it get
    any better than this? If so let me know. Happy Trails!!!

    Semper Motociclismo,

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