sorry, last energy policy thing...

From: stephanie (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 21:37:39 CEST

  • Next message: John Book: "new Monday Michiru? / shameless self-promotion / Soulstice"

    I just wrote what I think is a kickass letter to my
    senators that touched on a bunch of topics like this
    specifically and concisely. If anyone wants a copy
    and a link that will tell you who your senators and
    reps are and how to reach them, let me know and I will
    gladly "open source" my letter for blatent

    --- adario <> wrote:
    > > But at least that's cool. At least you don't have
    > to worry about your
    > > electric bills... (this one goes out to everyone
    > in Cali... :))
    > not to mention contributing to the greenhouse gases
    > which are causing global
    > warming. i don't care if this is off topic because
    > bush and cheney are
    > corrupt oil monkey bitches.
    > if the people lead, the leaders will follow:

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