Re: gosta? and other queries....

From: Jeremy Schafer (
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 19:09:58 CEST

  • Next message: Patrik Hamberg: "Re: New Spearhead (Was RE: 2 step)"

    Just a music fan here, evolving throughout the space continuim.

    >From: "Joni ."
    >Subject: gosta? and other queries....
    >Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 12:41:14 -0400
    >Hey AJers,
    >In keeping with the recent definition query, I'm wondering if
    >anyone knows
    >what gosta, as in Suba's Voce Gosta, means? I know from italian
    >that voce
    >is voice but I can't figure out gosta. anyone?
    >also, you all are sooo full of priceless knowledge on this and other
    >I'm guessing that's because most of you are DJ's and it's your job
    >to trk
    >this stuff down. I am not, so y'all are my secret music
    >weapon =]! I wonder, just for trivia sake, how many of us are
    >instrumental performers, like myself, and how many of you spin
    >and/or make
    >your own trks, or are there others who don't perform but just
    >*really* dig
    >the tunes?
    >ps annoyance of the day: when your 90 pound doberman keeps jumping
    >on your
    >lap while you're trying to work on the computer because he thinks
    >he's a
    >little orange cat like his sister....sheesh!
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