Re: song id

From: rw:fresh (
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 18:31:07 CEST

  • Next message: Richard Hawkins: "RE: song id"

    Yes, what is that? Someone told me once and I forget. It's French
    next-level hip hop with crazy pitch changes on the vocals and ill
    (broken) beats. Right? Who knows?

    De Angela Duff wrote:

    > mark rae's of rae and christian on
    > what is the song after "spellbound"?
    > 17 minutes into his set.
    > it's a guy singing in the chorus
    > "cause i need you."
    > it's has swelling strings, and a hiphop drum track.
    > it's a weird combination of different styles.
    > thanks a bunch,
    > de

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