and all this time we thought we were off topic. ye of little faith, Erik!
Whilst the symbolic failure of the relationships in the songs implies a
personal catalogue of intimate errors, these relationships should also be
seen as metaphors for the failed relationships we have with those in power
and the distorted relationship we have as unwilling consumers. The failure
of companies to recognise the worth of anything other than the right to make
money is becoming unbearable. Public space has been hijacked with
wall-to-wall adverts and political decisions are based almost solely on the
risks or benefits to its corporate donors. It fills me with such anger that
George Bush's America choses to opt out of the already-diluted Kyoto climate
treaty in the interests of the same oil companies who were so successful at
convincing his father to go to war with Iraq (if after heading up the CIA
for 15 years he needed any convincing). In this sense then, the album
contains those stories in parallel, stories that are so hard to project in a
genre driven by hedonism. This is why you will find a reading list on the
records. These authors can say it so much better than me and with much more
damning evidence.
----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Catanzaro <>
To: Acid Jazz list <>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: CORRECT!!!!!
> Hold it!
> (heh heh, knew I couldn't stay quiet...)
> > WOW......I can relate o that statement 200%.........they are the
> > prostitutes of the multinationals in this world. Total lack of charisma,
> no
> > brains........
> Lack of charisma, perhaps, but then why should they be judged like MC's or
> stand-up comedians? I'll bet JS Bach didn't have much charisma, either.
> As for lack of brains, that's not nice, and probably not true. Lots of
> people want to be President of the US, one is. Maybe he's not as smart as
> you, but not as dumb as Will Ferrell, Jay Leno, and the South Park boys
> would have you believe. (Especially in Cheney's case... no brains? Luke
> Skywalker never said that about Darth Vader).....
> >
> > not to mention contributing to the greenhouse gases which are causing
> > global
> > warming. i don't care if this is off topic because bush and cheney are
> > corrupt oil monkey bitches.
> I see no evidence, yet, that Bush and Cheney have done anything utnoward
> help the oil business. In case you haven't noticed, we are right on the
> brink of a major energy situation here. They increased subsidies for coal,
> which is a major competitor with the oil business.
> But the crazy policy of not allowing any new drilling for oil, even in an
> airport size field in some super remote area in Alaska the size of North
> Dakota, has led us to a very serious situation. Demand badly outstrips
> supply. And what's going to happen to our leftest Hollywood contingent
> production on major motion pictures has to be postponed due to energy
> sources? They will DEMAND more energy, while WHINING that nobody's thought
> up a better way, and SCAPEGOATING the nearest Republican for stifling all
> the good scientific discoveries out there. How come nobody did much with
> alternative fuels under Clinton?
> (That's what Bush should really do to save energy... shut down the
> superfluous, electricity-draining movie business. To hell with making the
> federal employees stew in the heat... just joking... ;-) lighten up
> already, leftists!)
> If cutting funding on alternative fuel research is the problem, you
> appear unready to accept any solution that does not come from a civic,
> government source or institution. Why do you believe the free market,
> produced this really cool thing called the gas-combustion engine, won't
> up with something better now that the unintended and only recently
> ill-effects of the machine are becoming established? (Volcanos toss off
> of greenhouse gas just like automobiles. Why isn't one of those evil
> Republicans doing something about them!)
> The hunt for a viable, alternative source continues. I will wager that
> of the leading researchers in the field take place in petrochemical
> labs. When it is found, whether by a large conglomerate (i.e., Exxon or
> U.S. governement) or some guy working in a lighthouse somewhere (ala
> Einstein) there will be plenty of money to go around.
> Consider this, Ford, Edison, Gates (and Fanning?) have probably changed
> world more (for good or ill) than all but a hand few of (mostly notorious)
> political figures. Distrust governement, especially the Democrats, but
> the Republicans, too.
> >
> > if the people lead, the leaders will follow:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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