Re: pioneer CDJ1000

From: Adam Cohen (a d a m EMAIL
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 19:57:55 CEST

  • Next message: Robin Smith: "Spearhead-"Stay Human""

    on 5/16/01 8:01 AM, Olaf Molenveld at wrote:

    > might be interesting for some of you:

    Very nice looking mixer. I've been trying to save up some cash for the
    CMX-5000, but looks like I'll have to give this a test run now.. The thing
    that scares me with CD mixers is that the technology is changing so fast, I
    can see myself spending a shitload of money on a particular model, only for
    it to become outdated the next month or so.. I guess it's like buying a
    computer. The features that caught my eye are:

    "Multi-Read Format
    The CDJ-1000 can read CD, CD-R and CD-RW disks."

    Do other mixers read CD-RW's as well? If only it could read MP3's, but that
    would be asking too much.

    and also

    "Digital Output
    The CDJ-1000 is equipped with a switchable on/off
    digital output (phono) which can be utilized for studio use"

    Now I've just gotta save up for a digital mixer. Although I've heard that
    in general, the digital output on CD mixers only works if you leave the
    pitch at 0, which wouldn't make it very useful to me.


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