Re: Spearhead-"Stay Human"

From: Marcelo E. Magallon (
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 22:17:20 CEST

  • Next message: Jason Witherspoon: "Re: Nu-Jazz/Brazilian Suggestions (was) Re: On the Latin tip. . ."

    >> Robin Smith <> writes:

    > I went to to listen to a few sound bites of the CD and
    > liked what I heard. I have to admit that when I saw the playlist,
    > and it included a "skit" between every song, I was skeptical. Why are
    > these necessary on CDs these days???

     I got my copy of "Stay Human" today. Damn, it's good!

     About the skits, IMO they have earned their place on this CD. They are
     well done, relate to the music and they make your listening experience
     better overall. That said, I agree that that's not always the case.


     PS: To the guy that mentioned Santa Sabina and Aterciopelados... I miss
         their stuff and t's hard to get it here in Germany. Best chance is
         to import it, but imports from LA are waaaaaaay expensive. Any
         people in Germany with a tip or two?

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