Re: Gilles Peterson

From: Rochelle Mahon (
Date: Sat May 19 2001 - 00:47:06 CEST

  • Next message: Mark Allerton: "Re: Nu-Jazz/Brazilian Suggestions (was) Re: On the Latin tip. . ."


    I've done he big hunt for archives of GPWW, they're tough to find.
    Basically your options are:
    for the radio 1 show, you can only listen live, there are no archives. Go
    to one/ at 12 midnight GMT on a wednesday. There are a few
    places to get archives of the syndicated show (which is different to the
    radio 1 show: slightly older by a month or so, less chat). The best places
    I've found are:, where gilles does the syndicated show once a fortnight
    alternating with Jazzanova's show (also well worth checking out). To find
    the archives go click on the "programm" button, this takes you to a weekly
    schedule, find Sunday (so), look down the bottom of the page. There are 2
    shows only archived.

    The other place I've found is, they have a couple of the
    syndicated shows archived. I think they're under archives / emissions on
    the sidebar from memory...

    So anyone who gets the radio one version want to trade shows? I'd love to
    get good broadcast quality cds or minidisc copies. Hit me privately if


    on 18/5/01 1:45 am, Xander Roozen at wrote:

    Hi Listees,
    What´s the best way to listen to updated onlineshows by Gilles Peterson? Is
    there a official platform or something?
    thnx in advance,

    your online source to funk, soul and jazzmusic <>

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