Soul Scramble

From: John Book (
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 04:22:22 CEST

  • Next message: Hemash Bhatti: "Abstract Truth"

    ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Does anyone know if there's a place in the U.S., online, that is selling the album. I know the track with Bebel Gilberto has been mentioned, but I did a search for something totally unrelated, and came across the SOUL SCRAMBLE compilation on the Sony Japan site.

    Who in the hell is Lori Fine, and where has she been all my life? Coldfeet. Somebody inform me.

    And damn, who is Pushim? I sampled the song on the SOUL SCRAMBLE album, found other songs, and found a copy of her album on CD for only $14 or so. Looking forward to hearing more.

    Discovering, and rediscovering music, as well as going back and discovering music you hadn't heard of before, is a true illness, isn't it?

    -John Book

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