From: Leslie Shill (
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 20:06:02 CEST

  • Next message: Leslie N. Shill: "Re: POWER OF SOUND MAY 22, 2001"

    I am a big fan of African Head Charge, "Songs of Praise" is my personal favorite album but I like them all. On.U Sound has some really good albums out there for anyone who loves the dubby end of things. The Master Recordings album form which I drew the Head Charge track for my show is a good representation of the On.U sound, check it out!


    leslie/The Power of Sound

    >From: "Beau J. Young"
    >To: "Leslie Shill" ,
    >Subject: Re: POWER OF SOUND MAY 22, 2001
    >Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 23:56:20 -0700
    >What is this like? Think I'm going to get some of their stuff, havent heard anything from them yet, but for some strange reason I find myself strongly attracted to them like i just have to hear it. Anyone have other recommendations from On U Sound? peace.
    >8/. African Head Charge - Stebeni's Theme - The Master Recordings - On U.Sound

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