RE: music biz slump

From: Leslie N. Shill (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 07:40:31 CET

  • Next message: Elson Trinidad: "RE: music business slump"

    I suppose this refers to the major labels, now there's a misnomer if there ever was one, they may be the biggest but qualitatively I just dunno and I think that is more than half of it, I would far rather be buying Vienna Scientists, Klein, Twisted, Grand Central, JCR and the like and I do when I can but the stuff from the giants is generally unaffordable to me since I am hoarding my bux for the really good stuff from the labels I mention above and their
    compadres. When things are more flush I tend to take fliers and sometimes buy things just because they look and seem interesting but like many of you, I just don't have the spare scratch to really indulge and the Global Oakenfold Ibiza Chillout Underground Deep What's This? stuff had grown old for me and I wont break it out for those discs for the meantime!

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