In mine? Well, let's see...
1. Micatone--Ninesongs (Infracom)--I'm playing this as I type.
2. Megashira--At Last (Infracom)
3. Mo' Horizons--Remember Yesterday (Stereo Deluxe)
4. Ursula Rucker--Supa Sista (!K7)--I'd like to see her again when she
hits L.A. in November, but I'm unsure if I'll get that lucky this time
around. :-)
5. Nude Dimensions III (Naked Music)--this is just so well-put together.
It demands repeat listening coupled with repetitious movements of the
body and head.
6. Interfearence--Take That Train (Ubiquity)--this is a *nice* album by
Tyrell and Paul Martin. You'll hear sounds and percussions that makes
one feel as if he/she is on a train ride. This will get played again and
again, for sure.
7. Four Tet--Pause (Domino)--this is a beautiful album. You will just
have to take a listen and judge for yourself.
8. New Testament of Funk 2001 (Unique)--this German label surely knows
how to embrace funk. I really do dig this one so.
I'm too tired to write comments on the others, but they are all very
good and highly recommended.
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