At 04:22 PM 10/27/01 -0400, Christina Martineau wrote:
>Hi Elson,
>I have to disagree with you that a DJ would throw away a producers CDR.
>Actually these days that CDR is a rare gem, usually because it's an
>unreleased track. If the track is released (not so rare) and this DJ is
>purely in touch with music then he would keep that CDR in a safe place as
>part of his collection, assuming the song(s) are good. Now if this DJ is
>one of those look at me types, your right, I couldn't see the CDR making
>to the car.
There are no absolutes of course. I was talking about club DJs, of course
radio DJs are more open to play CD-Rs (cos there are no clubgoers present
to look a the DJ setup and sneer at them :)) . I'm sure that most DJs if
given a CD-R would listen to the track, but don't count on them playing it
in a club.
> I was speaking of the DJ who produces. The Sexy Lady track I spoke of is
> Tim's work. I work with an artist who started spinning (mostly vinyl) but
> always plays his new stuff off of CDR before and after mastering to get
> feedback or to see how the frequencies sound on other sound systems. It
> keeps him from becoming complacent.
> I would have to disagree that the DJ/Producer would not play any other
> CDR's, Burdy of Baby Mammoth is one who would and welcomes it.
Like I said, there are no absolutes, there are club DJs that love to play
CD-Rs from other people than themselves and I think the world needs more of
em to tell you the truth, but they are the exception rather than the rule.
I'm just speaking from experience. I'm a producer and I'm telling you what
I've seen, my experience has neither been totally negative nor totally
positive -- I've known some DJs to throw away my CD-Rs (some liked the
music but didn't think it's appropriate for what they spin, some also liked
it but had no use for it just cos it was a CD), and I've also known some
DJs who dug my stuff so much they even got dupblates made and paid for it
- 30 -
: . elson trinidad, los angeles, california, usa
: . :
: . groove to the futurethnic beats of e:trinity at and
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