Re: Keepin On...'Best Kept'

From: Steve Catanzaro (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2001 - 19:48:35 CEST

  • Next message: rdoubleu: "Re: Keepin On...'Best Kept'"

    And the point here is, what, exactly? The US taught people how to overtake
    civilian jets and steer them into the most heavily populated civilian area
    of a country?

    Sadly, I guess I shouldn't find it surprising that even today, some would
    suggest the US is in someway responsible for turning these people into
    deranged monsters who would perpetrate such an unthinkable, cowardly, act of
    treachery! America created Timothy McVeigh? America created Bin Laden? Yet
    evil existed in the world far before America, did it not?

    The CIA didn't tell invent the tale of how the suicidal members of this
    death cult would receive, as a reward, a painless death, an immediate entry
    into heaven and 71 beautiful virgins waiting to please them on the other
    side.... did it?

    How about maybe giving the US a break on this one... or is that too
    unthinkable, even today?

    > We should never forget that the environment that has provided Bin Laden
    > recruits, arms, tactics and money was carefully cultivated by CIA
    > during the cold war. In too many ways, these demented people are not so
    > different from Timothy McVeigh.

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