Actually, no. No joke. And yes, 'really' an
Afro-Cuban-Mexican- and Native-American in equal parts. (hyphens notwithstanding)
Or as I am oft heard to say, "I'm a grown-ass man.". Et tu?
The REAL point being, who has the right to ATTACK someone for what they put up?
And why would one bother? Constructive criticism is only worthwhile when given in a Productive manner.
I don't know (m)any of you, nor am I out for a Cyber-fight. I took offense to the tone of the tome, that's all. He has the right to post nearly ANYTHING he likes without being attacked and we all have the right to approve and disapprove, verbally and/or otherwise. However the only people we get to talk to like children, is our children.
Now what?
Jason S
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