Warning: =============================================================== Warning: This message has had one or more attachments removed. Warning: Please read the following "VirusWarning.txt" file attachment(s) Warning: for details of what has happened to your mail Warning: and where the original attachment(s) may now be found. Warning: =============================================================== This is a message from the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Protection Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The original e-mail attachment "Tower" is believed to be infected by a virus and has been replaced by this warning message. The ***INFECTED*** attachment will be held in quarantine for 30 days. After that time, it will be deleted and will no longer be available. If you do not want a copy of the attachment, you need do nothing further and it will be destroyed automatically. If you wish to retrieve a copy of the original attachment, or for more information, click on the following link: http://www-no.ucsd.edu/Q?in1ecab3495eaea91846956f9dee5e8ad20 The file may remain infectious, so if you do download it, PLEASE use EXTREME CARE in handling. Many viruses are sent without the knowledge of the sender. If you wish to let the sender know more about the virus infection, here is the text the UCSD scanner produced: VIRUS W32/Klez-G Found in file ./g4H6MRE78868/Tower -- UCSD Network Operations UserServ@UCSD.Edu -- g4H6MRE78868 Tower ftp://msin1.UCSD.Edu/quarantine/ecab3495eaea91846956f9dee5e8ad20.gz