Re: [acid-jazz] What happened to the charts?

From: Velanche Stewart (
Date: Thu Oct 03 2002 - 17:55:35 CEST

  • Next message: "[acid-jazz] montreal tips"

    Cuki had a hard disk crash a few weeks back. He's working on getting
    everything back up to speed.

    As for the rest, it seems that any list that is sent outside of the AJ
    list that are in HTML are stripped of its content. Not sure on that one,
    but there's an explanation about it on the AJ web site.

    Gotta go...hope this helps!

    V. wrote:
    > I understand that the listserve slows down periodically, but what happened
    > to the charts? In particular, I really enjoyed Cuki's reviews--why no more?
    > Dan
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Waxing Deep • Tuesdays 3-5am EST • CKUT 90.3FM
    > --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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