Re: [acid-jazz] Problems with text emails on this list.

From: Erik Borälv (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 12:40:39 CEST

  • Next message: Erik Borälv: "[acid-jazz] Jazzyfatnastees"

    Stimp wrote:
    > Apparently, this list is having problems with HTML messages. If y'all wanna

    The blank messages has anything to do with this mailing list. The
    messages are not altered by the ucsd server - it only adds a string to
    the subject line, that's all.
    The problem has nothing to do with the list's new stricter posting policy.

    Instead, I suspect this is caused by an old mismatch between outlook and
    other mail clients. See:

    I have no solution to this. Avoiding sendning HTML-encoded messages will
    help. As said earlier, the message is visible if one (in Netscape's mail
    client) selects View -> Message Source (or ctrl-u for short).


    Erik Borälv,
    Uppsala University
    Department of Information Technology/HCI
    Box 337, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden.
    +46(0)18 471 2828, Fax +46(0)18 471 7811

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